Thursday 29 August 2013

Mekong Delta

 Rice Fields here are very common but still amazing to see.

 These are graves, in Vietnam you are allowed to bury relatives and friends on private land.

The boat that took us along the Mekong Delta for the day. 

The locals gave us their hats for a photo :)

Rice Paper made on the island and put on bamboo strips to dry in the sun.

 Locals making the rice paper.

Floating houses. 

 Bees which they keep to produce honey. Yes they are all bees :O
 We tried honey tea was delicious.

 Went by horse to catch a local boat.

 Exotic fruits actually really scrumptious.

 We experienced a thunder storm while there and had to wear these.

 Holding a python snake was actually not as scary as we thought, very heavy though.

 These were the local rowing boats we were taken on through some amazing sights.

 so sweet the baby turtles just floating down the river.

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